Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Grassroots Discussion of the Downturn and the Stimulus

Today on the show we heard a report from KALW's Kristi Coale about how parents are turning to school support groups for economic help. Check out the story here.

We also heard voices from a house meeting that took place in Pacific Heights last weekend where people were leading a different kind of support group. These economic recovery meetings are being organized all over the U.S. by Obama's former campaign machine, now called "Organizing for America." They are meant to gather people to discuss their stories of economic hardship and to react to the stimulus package that seems finally headed for passage in Congress. Here is the website where you can get more info about these meetings.

Note: Organizing for America is affiliated with the Democratic National Committee, so know that most people who are going to these meetings are Obama supporters.

We are going to another meeting this weekend, so we will bring you more on the discussions taking place.

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