Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ACORN Helps Tenants Fight Foreclosure

Today on Crosscurrents, KALW's Zoe Corneli talked with host Holly Kernan about possible solutions to the foreclosure crisis. You can hear that conversation here.

Renters are common victims of foreclosures. Zoe Corneli interviewed a tenant in West Oakland who almost lost his home last week. You can hear that interview here.

Eddie Daniels has lived in West Oakland with his wife since 2006, had always paid his rent on time, but was served an eviction notice in November of last year when his landlord lost the house to foreclosure.

He has since been fighting to purchase the home, but the paperwork didn't go through fast enough, and last week he was supposed to vacate his home.

But he linked up with ACORN and they got dozens of people to go to his home on eviction day to show their support. The sheriff never came - turns out they granted the Daniels another few weeks to get their paperwork in order. Eddie Daniels hopes that's enough time.

ACORN Press Release about the Daniels

(photo acquired under Creative Commons license from Flickr user respres)

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